Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pressie for my best friend :)

I made this illustration for my best friend's C birthday 2 months ago in April. She loves pink to death and she loves organizer/diary and stationery too. So I thought I gave her something very personalized and something that can be useful for her. She's working in marketing and she often needs to meet clients. I thought I gave her a small working folder that she can write in all the work stuff :)

Silly me, I forgot to photograph the end products T_____T But the Cover looks like the 3rd pic, the content is the 1st and 2nd pic. I printed all the stuff using Digital Printing on a normal HVS paper and the cover is printed as well using HP Inkjet Machine on a Brillianta Paper (this material is just SOOO LOVELY... it has a textures like a linen cotton and you can print anything on it and the color just comes out lovely). It's my favourite covering material so far. 

I gave the present to C already and she loves it! That what makes me very happy whenever I give something to my friends/families. Their happiness when they got it. I did ask her a month ago whether she has used it and she said she's preserving it first before she wants to use it >

1 comment:

camelia said...

Hi Angela, this design is really really pretty!! and it looks so much like my girlfriend Amanda. May I order the same for her?