Saturday, June 26, 2010

A new look for my blog :)

I choose a new template and new color theme for my blog. I hope you guys like it too ^^ Thanks to Blogspot who offers so many good templates that we can just choose from ^^ I think this template is more suitable for me and it's a good refreshment for the blog.

The changes in the blog design also reflect the changes in blog content. When I first made this blog I thought I was going to use it to share my Personalized Stationery design and products Forget Me Not Stationery only. But then I thought I would like to share more things that I like as well so I decided to add more stuff : House and Living, Photography, Sewing and Forget Me Not Stationery & Illustration. These things matter to me and I really enjoy them. Not saying that I'm an expert in those field (definitely FAR FROM IT) but I just love them =) 


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