Thursday, June 24, 2010

My new hobby :)

I got a new hobby and that is SEWING! =D
Can't really believe it since I have no idea how to sew and I can't even do a proper simple hand stitch.. I've always loved looking through a sewing book because all the projects look so nice and beautiful. But I've always had problems following instruction because I can't understand them at all hehehe.. 

Anyway, I met a lovely person named Lia who's a friend of my brother-in-law. She own this cute blog called and she's an expert in sewing! Look at her website and all the projects she had done and I'm sure you have the same opinion. Her stuff is cute, simple but very nice. She taught me some basic stuff in stitching using machine, how to make a simple pattern and even lent me her sewing machine hoho.. talk about such a nice and generous person :) 

I did make a simple bag and a baby bib (that I plan to give to my bestfriend but cancelled it because the result was not very tidy). I did another 2 baby bibs at home and was having some problem with the sewing machine - told you I'm not good at following instruction. At last my husband read through the manual and fixed it up for me. Talk about embarrassing! But thank you honey! You're really my saviour ^^ 

I posted photos of the masterpieces ^^ Thanks to Lia (I couldn't have done it without her!)

I just bought a book from the called Sew Darn Cute by Jenny Ryan. The review sounds amazing and the pics from the book look very interesting and cute. I hope I can do a few projects from there. 

What I really wanted to do is to make something using an illustration that I did. I just designed a pattern for a tote bag with a bunny that I draw myself and plan to print it tomorrow on a Brillianta Paper (often used for book covering at my store). Hopefully I can really sew it to be a tote bag :) this is a try and error project hehehe... 

About 10 weeks to go on my pregnancy. Time REALLY FLIES! Suddenly it's the end of June 2010 already! I can't believe it. Within 2 weeks me and husband will fly to Perth because we're having the little boy there :) Looking forward to the trip although here I've got soo many things to do and so little time. Baby shopping really worn me out - how come such a tiny person needs to many things? I love buying baby clothes but I got warned that people will give him lots of clothes so I might be able to save a few dollars if I just try to be good and don't buy any clothes for him yet :) 


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