Saturday, June 26, 2010

More of my puppies!

These are some photographs of my puppies (well technically, they're not puppies anymore. Tomorrow they will be 1 year old! How time flies really!). They have grown up but honestly, they still behave like wriggly puppies ^^ It's so fun to watch them play with each other and with my husband. Since I'm still pregnant and can't engage with them too close because I'm afraid one of them will give me a good sharp kick on my stomach, watching them play together is almost as fun. Almost! 

The dogs are very active and really, corgi is a very fun breed to have. They're so playful and a good companion too. I got my Molly from a breeder called Parkway (owner is Marjorie and Alan Smith) from this particular website. You can just e-mail them at : They will be more than happy to help you and really, they love their puppies very much and that what makes them different from the usual breeder. 

These photographs are taken by my husband. He did a photography major in University of Edith Cowan and I've always loved his work ^^ (well, am probably a bit biased here due to the LUV factor ^^). But I do think he takes good photographs and what I love is the fact he's able to also capture the character of his subjects. He's not doing photography as his work (a pity I know) but he enjoys it occasionally by taking photos of our friends and families during wedding and birthday parties. We both working at his parent's professional Photo Labs at Jakarta called Adorama. We specializes in printing photos for both the professional and retail customers and we also do a digital printing services. 

My favourite picture from all those photographs are the one where Muffin shows off her teeth! That's hilarious! Her face is just so cute (I hope you don't find her looking too scary here). She was playing around with her sis Moxy and when the "Corgi Fight" got more intense she shows off that face ^^ They're so funny. 

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