Tuesday, June 29, 2010

St. Peter's Basilica


This is a photo that my husband took of St. Peter's Basilica when we went to Rome 2 years ago. I was just looking through my photos in the computer and found this wonderful shot. For me the photo is very beautiful. I like the angle, the fact that the sun shine through the glass into the Basilica and it shows the magnificence of the place. Truly, I was stunned when I entered the place. It was the MOST WONDERFUL place I've ever been. 

Before we went to St Peter's Basilica, we went around to Innsbruck, Salzburg, Nuremberg, Venice and a few other churches in Rome and all of them are wonderful too. But this one, is just so special. First, the size of the place its self was HUGE. Then if you look at all the little pieces of details that make up the place, you'll be awed too. From all the sculptures, the floor, the ceiling.... *speechless*.... 

Anyway, I just want to share this shot with you guys ^^ I hope you like it as much as I do. 

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