Friday, July 2, 2010

So many things to do yet so little time...

I feel that I'm chased by so many things at the moment. Since there's only a week left before the time we fly to Perth, I feel there's sooo many things to be done for work and home. I haven't done my packing too which is unusual. I like to pack 2 weeks before my departure ^^ this is to ensure I have everything ready and since I don't like like being rushed so I always do my packing real early. But this time, all the baby stuff are still scattered around and I have no idea how to pack those hehehe... 

We just visited my Jakarta doctor for one last time and he said the baby is great, he's about 1.5kg now which is normal and healthy. He also said the baby has lots of hair hmm.. hehehe.. something that he gets from his dad definitely ^^ But he's healthy and that's what matters the most. 

I can't wait to go to Perth but at the same time thinking about work makes me feel rather guilty. But well, there's priority in life sometimes we just have to make the choice. 

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