Saturday, October 11, 2008

Marriage Course

Today me and Albert did a Marriage Course which is compulsory if you want to get married in Indonesia and admitted by law. The course is 4 times (2 weekends) and we just did the first one today and it's soo boring. Today they talked about the law of marriage in Catholic Church (yaaawnnnn....!). I almost slept this afternoon T_T

But it's compulsory to do the course otherwise we can't get married T_T Let's hope we'll be okay hahahaha... Nuthing new about Forget Me Not. Unfortunately, I really haven't got the time to do anything about it. Plenty of things need to be done for the wedding. I still need to chase the vendor who's doing my invitation because they haven't even finished the dummy of the invitation! I want to do the invitation myself but well, when you have to make 1200 invitations there's no way am gonna do that by myself.

Anyway, dats it for today ^^

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