Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No time to design :(

Lately i've bought a few graphic design book but I just haven't got the time to read them. I've tried to use Illustrator to create some of the cards but I haven't get used to it :) I found photoshop still easier and there are so many beautiful brushes available as well for Photoshop.
Also, I really want to get in touch with my artistic side but haven't got the time and the right environment. Sometimes I just need to be by myself and in peace. I believe most of those designers experience this feeling before.

Because my mom is sick, lots of our friends and relatives visit us. It's the common Asian culture. And our relatives are very close to us as well. Both from my mom's and dad's side are close to us, so they visit regularly. Some times once a week or once every two weeks for some of them. Of course we love having people around but I think I got used of being an only child and I like my peace and quite sometimes. It's not that I don't appreciate them of course. I just need that time. But it's considered rude not to accompany your guests huh? So when they got home usually it's kinda late and am already tired. I can't work and create when am tired.

I believe to be able to design the best thing (whatever is that) you need to be in the condition that you're comfortable the most. For me who love peace and quite, I need that. For those who find inspiration in the hectic and busy environment certainly can make the most of it.

I know I still have such a long long long way to go :) I wouldn't call myself a designer anyway. I still got so many things to learn! Sure I can appreciate a good design. I think what I love the most are those cute patterns, soft or pastel colours like baby pink, baby blue and lemon yellow, cute and funny illustration.

I also love scrapbooking because I love photography as well. Wouldn't call myself a photographer tho hehehe... my fiancee is one and I love using what he captures in my scrapbook. Sadly, I haven't got the time to do this hobby of mine as well :(

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