Saturday, October 4, 2008

How do you get your inspiration?

Different colour for different post.. well dats what I'm doing at the moment. I want to use all the colour available ^^ well, the yellow is usually not a very good colour to choose when am having light background :( Which is a pity, since it's one of my favourite colours. What's yours? Besides yellow, I love all pastel colours especially pink, blue, orange and green. I love rich chocolate as well, somehow to me, it looks very elegant. It's an elegant colour.

Okay, so, how do you get your inspiration for designing? I usually get it from the Internet, since it offers so many resources for design, templates and colours. Besides the official websites, blogs are such a good resources to get your inspiration and ideas. Other people's ideas are good inspiration, as long as you don't copy them, i believe it's absolutely okay to get your inspiration from other people's work. In fact, dats how we do it these days huh? With so many different things created, with lots of freedom, people can create whatever they want.

It's so different from the time where my parents were young. We're so lucky to live in this modern life. I think when my parents were young, they have so many limitations from traditions, culture, political and economy as well. I come from a Chinese background, so the traditions and culture is pretty strong. For example, a girl needs to marry young otherwise people will think she's wasted and no man will want her. Or a girl's job is to get married, have kids and take care of the family. No career women at all!

These days, things are so much different. Women strive to be successful at the office, equal to men. There are an equal number of chances for women and men in the working place. This gives the women more power, more confidence. This gives them the push to design as well :) Anyway, I think am off the topic? But basically, what I would like to say is the fact that we're living in a world where freedom is often taken for granted. About 10-15 years ago in Indonesia (I come from Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia), freedom of expressing your view especially in politic is very limited. A magazine was closed by the government because it published an article that mocks the government. We were not allowed to express our opinion.

How it's so much different these days :) We're so lucky.

Okay, back to the original topic. How else do I get my inspiration? Magazines, books (there are so many good design books), exhibitions, posters, flyers, brochures, restaurant menu, etc. You need design for those things and good design can be found in all kind of form ^^ I love the fact that there are so many design books these days and they're segmented as well. I just bought a book called Poster Art by Charlotte Rivers which reviewed a lot of poster design done by various designers around the world and the campaign they're working on. It's quite a good book. I haven't finished it. I have so many things to be done!

My dad was having a BBQ today for his bday. Lots of things need to be done from preparing the food, buying the plastics plate, cutlery, etc. I was very tired today but I had fun ^^

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