Saturday, October 11, 2008

Marriage Course

Today me and Albert did a Marriage Course which is compulsory if you want to get married in Indonesia and admitted by law. The course is 4 times (2 weekends) and we just did the first one today and it's soo boring. Today they talked about the law of marriage in Catholic Church (yaaawnnnn....!). I almost slept this afternoon T_T

But it's compulsory to do the course otherwise we can't get married T_T Let's hope we'll be okay hahahaha... Nuthing new about Forget Me Not. Unfortunately, I really haven't got the time to do anything about it. Plenty of things need to be done for the wedding. I still need to chase the vendor who's doing my invitation because they haven't even finished the dummy of the invitation! I want to do the invitation myself but well, when you have to make 1200 invitations there's no way am gonna do that by myself.

Anyway, dats it for today ^^

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ideas to personalise your wedding ^^

Here are a few ideas that you can use to personalise your wedding:

1. Design your own mass book. Look for pictures/symbols that are meaningful for you and add the words that really touch your heart. I design my own mass book with the vectors that I like and turn them to the colour yellow and chocolate to match the theme. I also add the lyric from song "I finally found someone" because I just love that song and I've always wanted it on my wedding :)

2. Look for personalised pillow ring that matches your theme :) I ordered my pillow (because I can't sew) from someone in the USA and asked her to make me something with yellow and chocolate theme. I have a pic of it but for some reason I can't post it. I will post it as soon as I can :) I also orderd the flower girl basket from the same person and she made me one in the same theme.

3. My wedding souvenir is some blank cards with matching envelopes that people can use anytime to send their regards, say happy birthday or basically just to say hi. I designed the blank cards and I include 2 designs in each package so people can have some options. But they're still within the theme of yellow and chocolate. I wonder if I would get sick of those 2 colours after this ^^

4. This idea just occured to me quite a few days ago. I remembered people like to personalise a bottle of wine and use it as gifts. I got the idea to do the same thing to a bottle of water :) Just a normal mineral water and I can give it away for my friends :) It's cheap to do especially with Digital Printing these days and you can create anything that matched your theme. I'll take photos of the water and post them here ^^ Promise!

5. Make your own guest book. Include photos and anything that you like on your guest books so you'll treasure them and won't throw them away. My guest books look like a photo album because I personalise them with my photos and some illustration that are meaningful for me ^^ I already posted the design before... just take a look :)

Okay.. those are the ideas that I've came up with. Hope you guys can get inspirations from them ^^

Saturday, October 4, 2008

How do you get your inspiration?

Different colour for different post.. well dats what I'm doing at the moment. I want to use all the colour available ^^ well, the yellow is usually not a very good colour to choose when am having light background :( Which is a pity, since it's one of my favourite colours. What's yours? Besides yellow, I love all pastel colours especially pink, blue, orange and green. I love rich chocolate as well, somehow to me, it looks very elegant. It's an elegant colour.

Okay, so, how do you get your inspiration for designing? I usually get it from the Internet, since it offers so many resources for design, templates and colours. Besides the official websites, blogs are such a good resources to get your inspiration and ideas. Other people's ideas are good inspiration, as long as you don't copy them, i believe it's absolutely okay to get your inspiration from other people's work. In fact, dats how we do it these days huh? With so many different things created, with lots of freedom, people can create whatever they want.

It's so different from the time where my parents were young. We're so lucky to live in this modern life. I think when my parents were young, they have so many limitations from traditions, culture, political and economy as well. I come from a Chinese background, so the traditions and culture is pretty strong. For example, a girl needs to marry young otherwise people will think she's wasted and no man will want her. Or a girl's job is to get married, have kids and take care of the family. No career women at all!

These days, things are so much different. Women strive to be successful at the office, equal to men. There are an equal number of chances for women and men in the working place. This gives the women more power, more confidence. This gives them the push to design as well :) Anyway, I think am off the topic? But basically, what I would like to say is the fact that we're living in a world where freedom is often taken for granted. About 10-15 years ago in Indonesia (I come from Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia), freedom of expressing your view especially in politic is very limited. A magazine was closed by the government because it published an article that mocks the government. We were not allowed to express our opinion.

How it's so much different these days :) We're so lucky.

Okay, back to the original topic. How else do I get my inspiration? Magazines, books (there are so many good design books), exhibitions, posters, flyers, brochures, restaurant menu, etc. You need design for those things and good design can be found in all kind of form ^^ I love the fact that there are so many design books these days and they're segmented as well. I just bought a book called Poster Art by Charlotte Rivers which reviewed a lot of poster design done by various designers around the world and the campaign they're working on. It's quite a good book. I haven't finished it. I have so many things to be done!

My dad was having a BBQ today for his bday. Lots of things need to be done from preparing the food, buying the plastics plate, cutlery, etc. I was very tired today but I had fun ^^

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My favourite song ^^

I loveeee the song by Craig Armstrong (Love Theme) - Love Actually OST. It's sooo moving (At least for me). Did you guys watch the movie? Such a wonderful movie and it'll be my favourite movie always. Such a beautiful movie and funny as hell! Hehehe... Anyway, I want to use that particular song for my wedding on the 14th November 2008. I haven't decided when to use the song though.. probably when we enter the ballroom :)

It's so beautiful and grand.. and moving as well. Especially if you remember the scene where the little boy chased the little girl to tell her that he loves her (sighhhh...) and when Collin Firth proposed Aurel (I forgot who's the actress) in front of the whole family and people at the restaurant in her native language! He's been learning that language so he can talk to her properly. Such a romantic movie.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wedding Guest Book List

Hi guys, these are a few pages designed by my graphic designer for my wedding guest book list :) I asked her to design them for me because I haven't got the time to do that myself.

No time to design :(

Lately i've bought a few graphic design book but I just haven't got the time to read them. I've tried to use Illustrator to create some of the cards but I haven't get used to it :) I found photoshop still easier and there are so many beautiful brushes available as well for Photoshop.
Also, I really want to get in touch with my artistic side but haven't got the time and the right environment. Sometimes I just need to be by myself and in peace. I believe most of those designers experience this feeling before.

Because my mom is sick, lots of our friends and relatives visit us. It's the common Asian culture. And our relatives are very close to us as well. Both from my mom's and dad's side are close to us, so they visit regularly. Some times once a week or once every two weeks for some of them. Of course we love having people around but I think I got used of being an only child and I like my peace and quite sometimes. It's not that I don't appreciate them of course. I just need that time. But it's considered rude not to accompany your guests huh? So when they got home usually it's kinda late and am already tired. I can't work and create when am tired.

I believe to be able to design the best thing (whatever is that) you need to be in the condition that you're comfortable the most. For me who love peace and quite, I need that. For those who find inspiration in the hectic and busy environment certainly can make the most of it.

I know I still have such a long long long way to go :) I wouldn't call myself a designer anyway. I still got so many things to learn! Sure I can appreciate a good design. I think what I love the most are those cute patterns, soft or pastel colours like baby pink, baby blue and lemon yellow, cute and funny illustration.

I also love scrapbooking because I love photography as well. Wouldn't call myself a photographer tho hehehe... my fiancee is one and I love using what he captures in my scrapbook. Sadly, I haven't got the time to do this hobby of mine as well :(