Monday, September 20, 2010

Baby photos!

Photos by Albert Gunawan (as always!)

At last, he's finally here! Well actually he was born on the 08th September 2010 (that's 08-09-10 in case you didn't notice =D). What a wonderful date! It's easy to remember and it is also the birthday of Our Mother Mary :)

I can't really describe how I feel just using words. I think words can't really express the emotion that rush inside me once I saw my baby boy for the first time. I feel SOOOOO HAPPY! He is such a cute bundle of joy :) 

Aldrik is almost 2 weeks old now ^^ and I'm enjoying every minute of being his mom (yes, including the late and sleepless nights). I was surprised that motherhood comes quite naturally to me =D never thought I am the motherly kind of girl ^_^ 

Hubby is very wonderful! He changes the nappy, give his bottles (containing breastmilk of course!), bath him and rock him whenever little baby couldn't sleep :) Such a wonderful husband I've got. My in laws are also very supportive. Mom-in-law cooks for us and both grandparents always enjoying time with Aldrik and willing to take care of him whenever we need some time off (so we can sneak some sleep). 

Can't thank God enough for what He has given us :)

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