Friday, August 13, 2010

Retro ^^

I'm not too sure whether this is what you called a retro design? But I sure love it :) Got inspiration while reading 'Real Living' magazine and how they display retro poster as part of the home decoration. I'm not too sure whether this kind of picture will fit into my house scheme since the theme is modern french with a bit of modern touch (the kitchen is ultra modern). 

Anyway, I made this pic from the photo that I took of my dog Molly (again). I was learning photography back then from my hubby and he lent me his trusty first camera Nikon D70 :) It was a wonderful camera that produces beautiful photographs. Well, he doesn't use it anymore, he upgrade to Nikon D700 and he's loving it. I edited the photo with Photoshop, added some effect and that was the end result. 

Haven't been able to write anything on the blog since I got to Perth. Tummy is getting bigger and there's only 1 month to go! Can't believe how time really flies and within a month I will see my dear baby boy ^^ Excited but scared at the same time :) I guess first time mom always experience the same kind of anxiety. Hopefully things will be fine. 

I tried to sew a stuffed toy here but doesn't look good T_____T I'll post the pic as soon as I take picture of the little stuffed toy :)

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