Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hospital is not a good place for both sick and healthy people T_T

Hi.. Hi.. Am currently in the hospital because my mom is being hospitalised since Friday last week. There's a bleeding in her head after the operation and the blood needs to be drained out :( anyway, we're still lucky because she's okay now. Been in the Intensive Care Unit for 5 days and today she's being moved to the normal room. Still not sure when would she be able to go home. I guess it's better for her to stay for a while until we make sure everything is okay. Hopefully after this there'll be no more bleeding, complication or infection post operation that often happen. 

Anyway, the stuff that we've sent to HP Indigo competition have arrived safe and sound in Singapore :) This is the first time we compete and hopefully we can bring an award home... HOPINGGGG... :) As always, the preparation wasn't very good hehehe.. very rushed I would say. But I guess it's okay. Next year we have to do better though. I love what we sent there :) 

Being creative? really no time for that at the moment. When a family member is in the hospital your energy and time is spent there and you couldn't really be productive in your work let alone being creative. I haven't created anything for AGES! I haven't done the albums that am supposed to work on T_T That's a birthday album for 3 nephews and an album for engagement party for a friend. I feel that I haven't been out for a while as well T_T I need a retail therapy hahaha... 

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