Friday, April 3, 2009

Are you happy?

Are you happy? It's the question the we should often ask ourselves :) Sometimes, we're so caught up in our every day life with so many things to do, so many activities which means so many things to do yet so little time. Especially for us who live in the big city where there's a lot of traffic and take so much time even to travel from one place to another. That's the case with me who live in Jakarta ^^ The traffic? So bad! In good days, 15km would take about 20-30 minutes and in bad days, can be 1.5-2 hours. But I love Jakarta, despite the bad stories, the crimes, the flood and the people. There's always something lovable about your home town. How you're so familiar with everything. 

Anyway, back to the question, am I happy? Are you happy? I would say, despite whatever is happening at the moment, I can say I am happy. Yes, my life is not the perfect life. But who's life is perfect? No body. What makes me happy is the fact that am surrounded with the people that I love the most. Who are they? My parents, my dear husband Albert, my relatives (cousins, aunties, uncles, nephews and nieces), best friends (they're the people I considered really close to : Carla, Carol, Amelyn, Mita, Ing-Ing, Ellen, Julia and Alice) - I don't meet them everyday but I think the nice thing is the fact that I could always feel close to them as if we're never apart whenever I meet them. I don't feel awkward and I still feel really2 close and can tell them everything. 

As with my life, I live in comfort (provided by my lovely parents). Yes, it's not the glamorous life where I can buy whatever I want and buy those branded stuff whenever I want. No, it's not. But it's not like I find them essential :) I do have to admit that I like them sometimes, but my life does not depend on them. I love cute and casual things that doesn't cost a fortune as well. And dats happiness I think. Being able to have and wear the things that I really like which doesn't always be expensive and branded. My life is provided with enough food, good shelter (a comfy bed that I can always sleep at night), not having to worry about money at all (it's not like I have A LOT so I don't have to save.. of course not...) - I do have to save :) 

I have a job that I love (well, most of the time). Being able to work with my husband and doing something that I like (marketing and design) is a gift. Not a lot of people like their job but they have to do it because they need the money. I have such a luxury and I really appreciate it. 

What else would I want? Well, my life is not that perfect so that I have nothing else to want. I wish it is.. but that what makes life interesting huh? The thrills, the problems, the boundaries... otherwise, you won't appreciate your life anymore. First of all, the thing that I want the most if so my mom would recover from her sickness. That would be my ultimate want :) Second, I would like more time that I can spend to design stuff ^^ More time to do my hobby and passion :) Third, I want my family to be very happy and healthy ^^ 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hospital is not a good place for both sick and healthy people T_T

Hi.. Hi.. Am currently in the hospital because my mom is being hospitalised since Friday last week. There's a bleeding in her head after the operation and the blood needs to be drained out :( anyway, we're still lucky because she's okay now. Been in the Intensive Care Unit for 5 days and today she's being moved to the normal room. Still not sure when would she be able to go home. I guess it's better for her to stay for a while until we make sure everything is okay. Hopefully after this there'll be no more bleeding, complication or infection post operation that often happen. 

Anyway, the stuff that we've sent to HP Indigo competition have arrived safe and sound in Singapore :) This is the first time we compete and hopefully we can bring an award home... HOPINGGGG... :) As always, the preparation wasn't very good hehehe.. very rushed I would say. But I guess it's okay. Next year we have to do better though. I love what we sent there :) 

Being creative? really no time for that at the moment. When a family member is in the hospital your energy and time is spent there and you couldn't really be productive in your work let alone being creative. I haven't created anything for AGES! I haven't done the albums that am supposed to work on T_T That's a birthday album for 3 nephews and an album for engagement party for a friend. I feel that I haven't been out for a while as well T_T I need a retail therapy hahaha...