Monday, May 10, 2010

10 May 2010

Oh God.. It's been ages since the last time I updated my blog. I feel kinda guilty deserting it =( Anyway, life has been exciting for me and my husband these pas few months ^^ We've been blessed with a baby boy! He's still in my tummy at the moment. I'm on my 5.5 months :) Half way to go!

It's exciting and scary at the same time. I'm quite a paranoid person although I always to think positively but I guess it's in my blood to be paranoid T____T But I've always pray so that the baby is healthy and he will be delivered safely. He'll be with us around mid September :)

Life has its up and down. There's always a happy occasion and a sad occasion. If you look behind and look at the sad occasion, it helps you to grow stronger and appreciate your life and what you have. That's how I always try to live my life so far. I know it's not always easy when you're faced with problems. Believe me I've experienced the one of the hardest time in my life with my mum being sick of cancer and until her death. But I always try to appreciate and remember the wonderful times that we've had during that time too. We're blessed with lots of love from God, family and friends who always care about us. That what kept me strong during that time I guess.

Anyway... things are good at the moment =) I've designed a few stuff for my niece and my close friend C. I will post the photograph of the end product here later when it's finished. I hope she'll like it ^^
