Saturday, May 23, 2009

Death, sadness and life

Yesterday I just lost a close cousin of mine. It was such an unexpected and shocking thing to happen. Her name is Sanni Juniar and she was only 25 years old. She just graduated from her medical school and just became a doctor. She just started her career and she wanted to continue her study in Germany. She was a cheerful, kind hearted, humble and very friendly girl. Life wasn't very easy for her because she lost her dad when she was very young but she was determined to live life to the fullest. She has lots of friends. She was involved in a Catholic organization and did many wonderful things. 

She was walking to the Bus-way terminal near her house when someone snatched her bag. Well, we didn't exactly know what happened because all the eye witnesses said they didn't know what exactly happened to the police. Some of them said the person who snatched her bag was on motorcycle. She might be purposely hit on the head when she fought for her bag or accidentally fell and her head hit something hard on the ground. But she died because of criminal act. Because sometimes, life can be so cheap in Jakarta. Her money in her wallet is not a lot. She died because people can be so cruel sometimes. They don't care about others. 

It was so sad and unfair for someone who's so young, so vibrant and just began her career and her life to be taken away. But God has another plan for her that we don't know for now. Of course, it's always hard to understand His plan when we are grieving and missing her so much. Me myself, couldn't believe it until now. I still expect to hear her loud voice, her cheerful laugh and to see her smile around me. I miss her terribly and couldn't believe what had happened to her, to such a wonderful girl. 

But I believe, she's with God now. That she's happy to see Him now and don't suffer anymore. She had always believe in God and have a good faith in Him. Good bye Sanni, I will always always miss you. I believe you are happy now. We will always miss you.

Please be careful when you're walking in a public place especially for you girls who live in Jakarta. You know how our big city can be so cruel. Always be careful and pay close attention. Don't walk too near to the road. Keep yourself save.