Monday, March 23, 2009

Anti Social

It has been quite a while since I wrote AGAIN and I haven't been able to go out at all except last Sunday where I went to see a photo exhibition titled '1939'. It was good. It was created by The Looop and Esquire Magazine in Indonesia where they celebrated 2nd birthday of the Esquire Magazine. Many Indonesian top photographers and models were involved. They produced high quality photographs and my husband's Photo Lab called Adorama sponsored them by printing the photos :)

I was sick for about 10 days now T_T previously I think I was too tired when I accompanied my mom in the hospital. She needs to have an operation to implant a shunt in her head because of the hydrocephallus (meaning you have too much brain water in your head). It was a simple operation but because of her weak condition, the risk could be high. But we're so thankful that she did alrite and in recovery status now. We keep continue to pray for her and we thanks all of our family and friends who have shown tremendous support and prayer. 

Okay, about the design... I've created a set of personalised stationery to be sent to HP Indigo awards 2009. In the stationery I've included personal set of cards, notepads, notebook and stickers all packaged in a hardboard box (also personalised). When I got the final product I'll post them here :) 

The design was in yellow and chocolate (I'm glad that I'm not sick of the colour even though I've used them for everything for my wedding ^^) with 2 giraffes. It was created for my best friend and her hubby so everything is personalised with their names and details. 

Nothing new anymore. I wish I can do more design but no.. no inspiration and my body is too tired.