Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's been so long ^^

Wow... it's been quite a while since I last wrote on the blog hey? Many things have happened during these few months. Of course we got the Xmas and New Year celebration. Then as Chinese people we got the Chinese New Year not too long ago. This is the first time me and my husband have to give out "ANGPAO" (the little red envelopes filled with money) to our nephews and nieces. We're going bankcrupt.

Also, Albert's birthday is coming up REAL SOON. I haven't bought anything for him yet although I think he needs a few new clothes :)

I'm very excited about my line of Stationery Forget Me Not. I've created the packaging and started to advertise using Calendars :) I've got some orders from family and friends hehehe... There's still so much to do and with the new year and new resolutions sigh... :) Our business is busy and busy and I feel like I haven't got the time that I need to create new designs :( but I guess it's better to have a busy and exciting life rather than a boring one.

My best friend is getting married on Valentine's day and we photographed them for their pre-wedding shots :) It was fun and the results turned out pretty good ^^ Anyway... with creative stuff... I felt like I havent been very creative lately... hopefully when I got the time to concentrate I can come up with more designs :)